It is nice to look forward to coming home at night and checking the feedback on the blog. It is very difficult to train my ears and eyes to hear and see whats going on around me. Today I have been in sales meetings all day. When an Indian person talks directly to me, i can usually understand. When I am in a room with 4 or 5 of them talking to each other I am often unable to keep track of the conversation, not to mention trying to participate. Today we visited two shopping malls. One was nice, and the other was extremely posh. I didn't have my camera with me, but just imagine a lot of marble, granite, and fancy architecture. The current cleaning staff for that complex is 250 people.
Currently in this market cleaning is sold by the number of people. It is a 100 person job, a 20 person job, etc. The companies quote a price based on a fixed staffing level. We are offering a result, with management, training, material, and systems designed to achieve the result with a staff determined by the size and nature of the job. It seems that there is very little justification for why a job is a 100 person or 20 person instead of a 98 person or 21 person other than it has always been that way.
Enough of that stuff. I am including a couple of pictures. One is the front of the hotel so you can see the difference from the link that I put up earlier. The other is an advertisement for people who want to work in the lucrative "call center" business.
i cannot wait to join you in Dec.
It is nicki not nocki...ha ha
lucrative "call center" = oxymoron at least in the states!
we are so spoiled...
Hey Ed,
Looks like you are doing OK. Got to love the Service Master Yellow room colors. Of course yellow is my favorite color also. Seems like it is an interesting place to be.
Bob C
Looks like you're doing fine over there, Ed. Hope you can pick up that machine gun dialect. Pretty soon we'll have to tell you to slow down when you talk so we can understand you. (lol)
Great to see Bangalor through the eyes of your camera on the ground there.
Takin' it Easy,
John M.
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