Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fire Dancing & Elephant Riding at Koh Chang

Each night at Elephant Island there were a group of guys that performed fire dancing. It was really cool. Here are some pictures that don't do it justice. On our last day, we also went elephant riding in the jungle, and also swam with them. It was awesome!


kimberlydawn said...

what a sweet treat! great pictures! it's fun riding an elephant (especially when your not pregnant, i'm guessing) ;)

kimberlydawn said...

about them fire guys....
the pictures look pretty cool, can only imagine what it was like in person!

Edith said...

Elephants? I thought my horse that I was on in West Virginia was big, but not as big as the elephants. I'm sure this was fun. The fire dancers, they have a lot of guts. Looks fun.