Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Beijing China, What a place!!

Nickie and I spent 4 days touring Beijing. It was a great break from India, and I was impressed in the cleanliness, organization, and efficiency of the city. For a city of 18 million people it ran smoothly, traffic was heavey, but not unmanaged, and the streets were not filled with chaos and confusion as you might find in other large cities. Here are some random shot of the streets. A sculpture close to the hotel, Mc Donalds, food vendors, a mobile pet shop, and Nickie.


Edith said...

A beautiful place to visit. I am happy that you got to go there. Love MOM

summer* said...

i really liked the pic of the bunnies that was the best and i thought the pic of mcdonalds was funny.
i love u guys l8er.

Josh Nix said...

I wanna go

nicki said...

You would love it as well. A great place to visit some day:) Jack, our Chinese tour guild was great!