The lady with the very colorful dress was quite a dancer. She danced and made loud "yodeling type" sounds when she worshipped. Later today when we were getting ready to leave she had a young man tell me that she wanted to give me her 7 year old son so that I could take him to the USA and raise him!!! It blew my mind, but of course I had him tell her that it was not possible.
The other lady that I took a picture with is the one that defended my principle of winners quiting.
The gentleman that I am shaking hands with is a pastor, and told me that he really identified with my storey about being in jail because he had spent 5 yrs. in a Tanzanian jail. I bought a book from him to read on the way home. I'm sure that he will be emailing me.
My host team from Voice of Hope Ministries. From left to right. Jackson, 37 yrs old with a wife and 2 children, he is the main event coordinator and eqpt.specialist. Harun, 26 yrs old and single is the driver and keeper of the keys. Amos, 25 yrs old and single is the financial controller, and the keeper of the money. He also did a good job interpreting and keeping me company. We went out to lunch as a celebration before we started the long ride back to Dar es Salaam. I think I bought them one of the best meals they've had in weeks, maybe months. They let me try 'Ugali' too.
Harun? whats up with you meeting drivers named Harun
It does you good to be with other people once in awhile. It makes you really appreciate your own home even more to see how they live. I am very proud of you for doing this.
...cannot wait to wear some of the local outfits when i go in Oct.:)
God Bless that woman in the beautifully colored dress and how sad that moment must've been ... God Bless ALL of His Children!
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