For the last 28 hours I have been making my way to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to provide training 'Equip'. I traveled to Minneapolis, MInn. to connect with KlM to get to Amsterdam, and from there to Tanzania. In Minn. the airport is nice and I had a nice train ride from domestic to international terminals. In Amsterdam I saw an old friend that I find everywhere that I go. I had a real Dutch breakfast though, and had to take a picture for Nickie. Since I had 5 hours in the airport, I made sure that they loaded my plane with the right stuff. haha The room that I have at the 'Dar' Holiday Inn is real nice and a bit expensive.
I feel very priveledged to be doing what I am. I pray that God will bless my effort and use it for his glory.
I hope to blog again tomorrow when I have dinner with Peter and his family.
So HAPPY to hear from you today:):):) You are the lucky one to have the opportunity to serve..i cannot wait to go back with you in Oct.:):):)...You will do well!!! I believed in YOU:)
Thank God that you are able to do this. The church here is praying for everything to work just fine. Keep trusting God and he will see that everything is O.K. I am PROUD of you, keep up the good work.
that breakfast made my mouth water
God Bless You Dad ... HIS Will Be Done~
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