This village is about 2.5 hours 130Km east of Bangalore. We traveled there with a friend Pastor Sampath Kumar to visit village churches. On the way, a cow jumped out in front of our car, and although our driver slambed on the brakes and left skid marks, we were unable to avoid having a hood and windshield full of cow. It was quite an adventure, and the "cowgirl" that was suppose to be driving the herd yelled at us! She was the one that made the cow mad, and caused him to dart in front of us.
The other pics are some of the sites on the way. The car is due to be taken care of this week. We drove it all weekend, and back home in the condition that it is pictured here. Luckily it didn't rain! Also, the driver is lucky that the cows back hit the windshield rather than the feet.
yikes! glad all are safe!
Good looking car but I am very happy that you all were safe. I am also glad the cow is OK. Maybe you will not be in too big a trouble for this since it was not your fault. Mom
Glad your all safe, it reminds me of the time when we him the cows horns driving.
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