This is the family that has "adopted" me. Bill, Jesse, and their boys Joshua (eldest)and Daniel have really helped me be comfortable here. I was introduced to them by Jeff Petersen from church at home, and I started attending their church here in Bangalore, and they have fed me just about every Sunday since. I have truly appreciated their friendship and thought you should know them.
I love them too....nicki:)
thank God for the fellowship, i think i am starting to get it... i am grateful that you have good Godly people surrounding you!
i love you~
If you have them you should post pictures of the church or where you meet. This looks like a good family to join forces with to praise God.
i am thankful you have them over there with you
I am very thankful for your friends. They seem very happy also. I am thankful that God put someone in your path there that could help you. Enjoy every moment with them that you can, you need the fellowship. Love you Mom
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