The last time I blogged was Dec.29, 2008. A lot has transpired since then. Here is a cronology of events as best I can remember along with some graffic details for those who like scarey pictures.
12/30/08 - In stead of traveling to Mysore, India as planned to stay the night in a palace, Nickie, Josh, and I decide to hang at home and order dinner in. While eating at 7:30 pm I became overcome with abdominal pain. Later food came back out both ends, but the pain would not stop. By 10:30 or so, it was unbearable and getting worse. I called for transport to hospital, and by the time I got there would have accepted a bullit to my head to relieve the pain. Finally I was semi-sedated and being wheeled aroound the hospital to various rooms. I hard technician say "cancer", and immediately bagan to think that I would die soon. I prayed in my moments of awareness. Nickie and Josh had come with me, but I never knew quite how close or far they were. I remember the strong hands of Josh rubbing my shoulders while I felt Nickie's gentle toouch on my arms and hands. Then I would again succome to the emptiness of "nowhere land".
1/1/09 - Wheeled into Surgery woken up only to be told that they were conducting necessare abdominal exploratory surgery. Strapped down, given a mask, the room filled with gowned people, and I went back to "nowhere land"
Later visited by Nickie, Josh, and Dr. in ICU, told that they looked but did not remove anything. I am a bad patient. I fight for pain killers, argue with the nursing staff, and demand a higher level of privacy than offered. Through Nickies tenacity and perserverence and the help of the Dr. we were able to extend the one hour per day visiting period to as much as she could take. Her and Josh came often, sometime Josh snook in around the guards, and Nicie comforted me and rubbed my feet and legs for hours on end.
As a result of this surgery I had a catheter for urine, a colostomy bag connected to my stomach, a tube going down my nose to my stomach, oxygen tubes in my nose, and a tube inserted into my neck with various IV solutions going in it. I was hooked up to EKG, Pulse, and BP monitoring eqpt. continously. I became angry and disconnested some of it.
1/3/09 - Josh and Nickie are scheduled to fly home. Nickie extends and we all decide that Josh is better off getting back for school. They are suppose to have dinner with my assistant and his wife that evening after they see me at 7:30. That would be my farewell to Josh. They didn't come. I waited and wondered, thought I might never see josh again and eventually sobbed myself to sleep. At around 11:30 I felt Josh's strong touch, woke up to see him smiling and wispering that he snuck in past the security guard. He hugged me, we said our goodbyes, and I love yous, and he was gone and I again sobbed with joy. As with all things in India, their dinner with Prakash and Rupa took longer and was more of a process than planned.
1/5/09 - My condition has gotten worse. My stomache ballooned to make me appear pregnant, the drains weren't working, and all signs said start over. My Dr. met w/Nickie and I and told us it was necessary. I was so fed up with the ICU staff that I requested to be moved to another hosp. The Dr. said I was in no condition to move. At this point I certainly couldn't leave against medical advice on my own.
The second surgery resulted in the removal of 2+ feet of small intestine, the appendix, and the cethum (the part that connects the small intestind and appendix to the large intestine). As a result of my complaining about the delivery of pain meds, I also got a new epidural device which continuously released pain meds directly into my back. Nursing staff were required to keep the bottle full.
Josh had returned to home by now, and the highlight of my days was Nickies visits, the foot rubs, and the gentle loving touches. At times I grumbled at her too, because I wanted more water than she thought appropriate. My mouth and throat were a "sand pit".
1/12/09 - Many tubes were removed, and I went to a private room with bath. The first night I went to the bathroom for the first time in 2009, and almost tripped because of IV poles and tubes. The next day those got removed. Nickie spent the night in my room on a cot, washed me, and my hair (which by now had become a greasey mess}, again she was devoted to my care and comfort, and I was overwhelmed with deep, deep joy that she was by my side.
1/14/09 - DISCHARGE!!! I came home. Beat, tired, wobbly, weak, but very happy to be alive. Nickie immediately went to work cooking, and taking care of me. Our dear friends Bill and Jesse Jenkins came to visit and our chruch paster came. Members of SIS and the ServiceMaster team came with flowers. The staff at my apartment facility poured out their help and assistance. It has been great.
Nickie really focused on helping me do all of my "first" things on my own, like getting dressed, washing my hair, taking a shower. etc. She also prepared some stew that she froze for me to eat. I wanted her to just stay, and we talked about it, but in the end she went home.
1/17/09 - Nickie and I spend several hours immersed in each other. After midnight we caress, pray, and at 1:00am 1/18/09 Nickie is taken by the driver to the Airport.
She has not yet been gone 24 hours, and I miss her tremendously.
I don't even know where to begin. After reading this to myself it made me see things a lot differently, i mean i knew all of this stuff was going on and i saw all the tubes and whatnot first hand but to hear you tell the story brought tears to my eyes. Sorry i wasn't there for you more i felt completely helpless in this situation but it meant so much to me when you sad you remember and enjoyed the massage i gave you. I love you dad i know God has a plan with all of this. Thanks for an unforgettable trip to India.
Josh, I'm just so glad God's plan allowed for this to happen while you and Mom were here. You to guard and care for Mom, and Mom to care for and make decissions on my behalf=God's perfect plan. You did your part well. I love you -- Dad
I am grateful for the time that we had together and for God to allowing me to care for YOU!
I love you my partner in life......nicki
dad, i am so grateful, also, that God saw fit to have Nicki and Josh there...i can't imagine (even after having read your experience) how terrifying this experience must have been for you, i am so sorry that you had to go through this...i have been talking to God daily and have really focused on the positive and the blessings that have come, too...there are many in this, not the least of which you are still with us and we still have time! as much as we debate & battle, i need you...God Bless You, dad and i love you with all my heart!
I love you my dearest Kimmey....for your love and support to me while Dad was not able to response...Nicki
maggie12104I am so happy to read all these comments. I was too tired to write on this site last night. After reading everyones comments it leaves me little room to think or write but I will say this,I Praise God that you are alive and I believe you will be OK. I have Prayed and God has heard all our prayers and has chosen to let you live although you thought your life may have been over. God kept you for His purpose. Now seek that purpose and work for Him. When I ask you what you are going to do after you sell your business you said that you are hoping that God will direct you. He Will if you will let Him. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding,
in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.Proverbs 3:5,6 I Love you very much MOM
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