In the midst of my headaches after my little mishap mentioned below, I took a trip with my friend Ashok to Mysoor. While there, we visited his sister and brother-in-law at their coffee plantation about an hour from Mysoor. These are some pictures of Aruna (the lady) and Belliappa (the gent) who were very gracious hosts to us. The other pictures are of Ashok Madappa and yours truly. In the background, you can see the coffee fields, with trees that have peppers growing around them. This was a really cool trip, that I cut short due to headaches. Ashoks family was very warm and gracious, and took us to their club for lunch. GREAT PEOPLE!!! Great Time!!
Ed - Your blog is awesome. Love all the pictures. Hope you are feeling good - you are in my prayers as well as many others here at the home office!! Look forward to lots more postings.
very cool trip...i love the java fields, glad you had a good time even if it was short! glad to hear people are so kind!
keep on riding Cowboy:)We only have this life to live...One day at a time
Me and the boys...josh and pluto are doing fine. Pluto's eye is healing very well, we just have to pray that his other eye will remain healty for years to come. God bless us all!
I loved your friend's sister house as well....so peaceful..as you know i love all trees.
Coffee plantation would be neat to see but bad to drink.
Why don't you ever comment on other peoples comments?
Another thing to keep in mind about the world of blogging is that, not everyone who reads blogs leaves comments. So if you think no one is reading what you put out there, think again.
Sorry i deleted my last comment because i messed up. oops
josh i agree that people don't always comment, but i sure wish they would, if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have very many comments on mine either...or maybe i am not posting what most people are into?
Josh, I just didn't think about re-comenting. I'll keep that in mind, especially when someone (like you) asks a question. Love ya -- Dad
interesting. so how widely is their coffee distributed? might i be drinking some of their product now? glad to see you have made friends and are enjoying yourself. sounds like you have been very busy. keep up the good work!
I will try to find out if the coffee makes it to the USA, If so, maybe we'll have a cup.
I will look at the pictures again. I think I missed something. I love all the pictures. It look like you are really enjoying the trip. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
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