Here are the decorations outside my building, where I wait for my driver every day, and also the decorations that I bought for my place. Ive included a "night" and "day" version.
It is amazing how many people here are Hindu,and still celebrate Christmas. It is a National Holiday. Of course many people just laugh and say they will take a day off for anything. I went to church today, and am reminded that this is the celebration of Jesus birthday, and how grateful I am that he came to save me and you. Not wanting to buy a lot of decorations that will be thrown away in a few months, I picked this set because I want to remember, and thank God for sending His Son to save a wretch like me.
I am so glad that Nickie and Josh are on their way here, and can't wait to see them and share this wonderful, crazy experience with them. I sincerely hope that everyone reading this blog will have a blessed Christmas, and a prosperous New Year.
I urge you also to take a few minutes and get in touch with the awsome, miracle that we are celebrating. God himself came as his son Jesus to live amongst us so that we could be forgiven and saved by grace.